Thank you for downloading this magnificent aircraft designed with FSDS Pro. by Rey Lopez,


Unzip the CH46KNTE.ZIP to your favorite folder (mine is called "arrivals"), and after unzipping it, you can modify the "sound" folder with a good helo. sound,this will give it a more realistic sound, also, I sugest using a heavy chopter panel in your "panel" folder, this too adds to the real feeling of the model.

This model is annimated, it has "lights", just toggle the light ("o" for beacon, "L" for lights or "Shift-L" just for nav lights) keys to activate them. NOTE: you must use the "pause" feature in order to activate the landing gear, this is a MSFS flaw due to it being a helo.

This is a freeware download, however, any modifications to the model or re-painting must have my prior concent, and propper credit just be given. Enjoy it, and if you have questions or suggestions please write to me to the above e-mail address.

Rey Lopez